Who can resist art supplies and other creative things? Not me that's for sure. My art supplies, learning materials and resources are essential for my painting and art business. From books, DVDs and materials and some fun items too. This store has many items that I have used and trust.* Where possible I have included a review.
Although many of these products are great please do not spend money unless you really need something that will be useful to you or someone you think will benefit from them. Enjoy.
Although many of these products are great please do not spend money unless you really need something that will be useful to you or someone you think will benefit from them. Enjoy.
Popular for Creatives
Art BooksAmazing art books that I can recommend.
Art MaterialsSelected Painting Materials
DVDPainting instructional DVDs
Learning Resources
Painting CoursesFrom beginner to advanced there are courses here to help you
Video DownloadsInstructional movies to purchase, view and/or download
Equipment & App EssentialsMy equipment from film to recording and creating. Plus apps used.
Your Creative Business
Your Online PlatformFrom websites, hosting and communication
Information for SuccessSelected Books & blogs to engage your entrepreneurial mind
Productivity ToolsFrom courses to services to help your business take off
*Some links contain affiliate links
Bonus Resources
PodcastsJoin me on my special artist's podcast.
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Book ClubJoin my Free book club for curated book lists, review copies and more.
Mentor ProgramLooking for one-to-one help with your painting and art biz?
Art Class Directory:
Find art instruction from artists around the world in a variety of mediums: