I call it a quest. It is not that grand in the scheme of things, but as an artist it is right up there. This search for the ideal oil paint is one most passionate artists share. Paint is after all the critical substance for a painting. The better the paint the better the painting? Well it helps a lot. In this article I have a set of Van Gogh oil paints to review. Made by Royal Talens, a Dutch company, which is also the homeland of Vincent Van Gogh. I call those big shoes to fill Royal Talens. Have they done justice to the great artist's name? Lets find out. It's competition time! It has been years since my last painting competition and long overdue. So here it is - an oil painting from yours truly is up for grabs. Valued at R3250.00 or $250.00 depending on exchange rate :) There are also five runner up prizes of one of my online painting courses. Plus you can increase your chances of winning too. Find out how below. An artist recently sent me the following question: "I've been painting for 18 months. Everyone says that my paintings are incredible. Problem is: I continue to paint other artists paintings that I love. I do also paint from photographs. Almost all my paintings are very, very close duplicates. How do I break this habit and do my own thing? " You may be thinking that this is easy to answer. Or you may be facing a similar dilemma. In this article I am going to try and answer this question. Family gatherings are fascinating experiences. They can be wonderful moments of shared love and joy. They can also tip to the other extreme and result in conflict. But usually everyone makes up again and all ends well. These gatherings also prompt me to reflect on life’s lessons and can be deeply inspiring to me as an artist. |
AuthorMalcolm Dewey: Artist. Country: South Africa Archives
August 2024