Do you have painting goals? For some artists simply getting a chance to paint among many other demands is a miracle in itself. For others painting is a compulsion that consumes their free time. A need to create increasingly better paintings is standard procedure for these enthusiasts. If you are constantly searching for that new approach, technique or color mix then you may find this article useful. This article is about the beauty of a creative process that delivers results. Not a magic wand. Rather a process that will reward the enthusiastic painter.
Do you want to see your painting skills progress over time? Sure you do and so will anyone who loves painting. Practice plays a big part. Nothing beats time spent actually painting. But learning new techniques to add to your experience is vital too. You know the old adage about doing the same thing and expecting different results right? Not going to happen. I have covered beginners tips on acrylic painting before. In this article and video I am going to show you a few more advanced tips.
Ready to learn more about acrylic painting? What does a fox, an author and spooky stories have in common? Find out in this first Q&A article where I interview an emerging author about his inspiration for writing. Every artist struggles with inspiration at times. Procrastination more often I would think. Even when inspired there are distractions, fears and chores that beckon. To my mind authors must have the worst of this. Writing is fearfully solitary and minimalist. At least a painter has tubes of paint, brushes and many colorful things to entice and lure one to the canvas. An author has a keyboard or typewriter (there are a few left). The most hardcore only have a few pencils and writing pads. How about an author that is writing one short story a day for three hundred and sixty five days? That must take commitment and discipline. Let’s meet this young author and find out more.
This may well be the cure to artist’s procrastination. Waiting for inspiration is an excuse often used to disguise the pressure many artists feel when faced with a new project. We know that making a start is necessary, but taking the first step is risky. I am willing to bet that keeping a journal will make it easier to get started. Here is a fun method for making amazing journals.
AuthorMalcolm Dewey: Artist. Country: South Africa Archives
January 2025