A strange thing often happens when an artist or collector enters the framing shop with a piece of art for framing. The customer has an image in mind of how the art should look. This image is all too often dashed by the quote for the framing job. Sadly the customer will opt for something more modest that fits the budget. Very often this tiny regret will grow over time. What could have been a focal piece has been diminished due to finances and this hurts. I have had this happen to me many times until eventually I decided to look at doing my own framing. After a series of fortunate events this idea came to reality. For better or worse I can now decide on what works for my art. Take the above pastel painting for example. By deciding on the look I wanted and the place where I envisaged it would be displayed together with the painting itself, I came up with a clean contemporary frame.
Costs of framing keeps increasing, but if you can purchase a painting already framed you are saving already. Usually the framing costs are added in at a wholesale price when purchasing from an artist and this may apply to your gallery too.
So keep framing in mind when shopping for art and when choosing a frame go for the one that moves you. Never settle for less only to regret it later. |
AuthorMalcolm Dewey: Artist. Country: South Africa Archives
January 2025