Finally a way to provide more videos, live streams and demonstrations all in one place. More importantly for those of you that want them. Now with a private membership channel on my school you can join and get the extras you want for a very reasonable contribution. Sound interesting? Read on to see how you can get some monthly paining tutorials. What is Membership All About? First off this is part of my personal painting school. The membership page can be viewed here. The idea for this is to provide support and ongoing painting lessons for students that have completed one of my courses. Instead of finishing a course and then no more assistance you can join the member channel and grow your painting skill over time. Plus ask questions, suggest topics and generally enrich your painting life. When you visit the page you can preview some of the lessons. The curriculum is continually growing too. When I asked subscribers last year what they wanted more of the majority said longer videos. That is cool, but there is also helpful commentary and instruction to back up the demonstrations. So now I can give you exactly what you want and help your painting along the way. Membership Subscription Basic membership is at a very low price. Less than a cup of coffee actually. So you get the extra videos requested. But what about live painting events, painting critiques and other good stuff? Now these are great too, but it takes a lot of time and preparation. Some stress as well to be honest. Painting live has its challenges, but the benefits of seeing painting develop in real time are huge. I have also invested in improving the studio equipment to include different cameras, backup HD camera and sound improvements. You should not have to experience bad footage or sound. How Does Payment Work Enrollment is via secure Paypal and you can cancel at any time. Simple really. Whenever I post something new to the channel for members you receive notice in your email. Nifty! Join and Enjoy More I hope that you give the membership option a go and enjoy getting the extra tutorials. I'm sure there will be a few fun an unexpected things in live streams, but I try to give good value. Membership helps me to keep improving content and quality as well. All of this takes time, effort and money so that you get quality back. See you in the Membership Area soon! Free Loosen Up Your Painting Guide
AuthorMalcolm Dewey: Artist. Country: South Africa Archives
October 2024