Ever feel like we're living in a world where the corporations, banks and governments are taking care of themselves and leaving the rest of us with the tab? Of course that is exactly what is happening. Pam Brown, born way back in 1928, had it right when she said artists are seen as a self-indulgent superfluity. But you know what? It's time for a change! Let's talk about a Creative Awakening heading into 2024.
More of the Same in the New Year?
Look around, and you'll see the world's got its priorities a bit mixed up. The stock market maestros are treated like economic rockstars. Except they keep messing things up then get bailed out by the taxpayer. Central banks are even worse. We are over here, trying to turn our dreams into masterpieces despite a million obstacles. Adversity is our middle name, and it's also our strength. It's not about waiting for some big shots in power to sort things out for us. It's about us embracing our creative superpowers and taking charge of our lives. Imagine a world where your art isn't just a side hustle but a force that shapes your destiny. That's the dream that can be made into reality. What is a Creative Awakening? So, let's make 2024 the year we say, "No more waiting around!" Let's call it a Creative Awakening – our personal rebellion against being the underdogs. In the grand scheme of things, artists have always been the rebels, but that is not enough without action. We need to take action within our own lives to prepare ourselves for greater challenges ahead. This means taking control of our economic security as well as personal welfare covering areas like health, mindful living and community. Art has this incredible power to challenge norms, start conversations, and bring people together. Our brushes, our cameras, our words – they're not just tools; they're our weapons of positive change. Give Your Art its Due As we dive into 2024, let's flip the narrative. Let's make art not just something we do on the side but the driving force that defines our culture. It's not about making noise and complaining; it's about showing that creativity and economics can tango together. We're not just dreamers; we're doers. We do not wait for permission or validation. We simply get started and make things happen. Who said artists are a luxury? We're a necessity. It's not about being self-indulgent; it's about being self-empowered. We're not waiting for "things to improve". We are making the improvements in our own lives. This is how we make change and inspire others too. Take Back Control Let's make 2024 the year where we turn our obstacles into stepping stones, our dreams into reality, and our art into a force to be reckoned with. Examples include:
A Complete Approach to Life These ideas encompass every part of our lives. Passivity is not going to help us. By embracing a Creative Awakening we can find our feet in this chaotic world. We can make a future based on work and common sense. Generations ago this was regarded as self evident. As the above quote says, we went wrong somewhere. Mostly because we gave up too much independence to others. Time to take responsibility and get creative again. |
AuthorMalcolm Dewey: Artist. Country: South Africa Archives
January 2025