How to make rapid improvement in your painting? Unleash your painting genius. In an earlier article on this topic I received a lot of feedback from artists. Many believe that they do not fall into the category of potential painting genius. In fact they suggest that nothing significant will change with their painting. That they somehow fall outside of this special group. Nuts to that I say! So here is the challenge.
Watch this video where I sum up my argument and then join me below for the challenge. The Challenge is simple enough: 1. Commit to painting as often as reasonably possible for you. Look to at least twice a week. Preferably three times for an hour each time. That is a minimum total of three hours a week. Very doable. 2. Study technique either in books or online. This is a quick solution that you schedule better than live workshops. This is key to getting a strong foundation in the basics. Without a foundation all the bits you add will not improve a painting much. 3. Commit to completing one painting per week. But include a few starts. By this I mean do not try to complete every painting. Getting the planning and start of a painting correct is a giant part of good painting outcomes. Your best start can be the one you carry on with and try to complete. 4. Get a Partner. Yes someone to hold you accountable or bounce around ideas and comments will help. Even if you paint alone, sharing the results and asking for constructive critiques can help a lot. 5. Reassess after one month. Repeat and renew your commitment. Guidelines: Paint whatever subject you like in the medium you prefer. The idea is to take massive action right now to get the most benefit for you. Why One Month? After a month you will notice that you have a new habit. A consistent approach that you can repeat month after month. Your skills and confidence escalate and you enjoyment grows too. Share your progress: A significant factor to improvement is sharing your work. Photos uploaded to whatever channel you prefer is a great way to build confidence. Also look at Pinterest for collecting inspiration from artists that you admire. Don’t forget to create your own board for your paintings too. That is it for now. Take the challenge and watch your paintings and enjoyment take off.
Looking for more learning? I have a special offer for anyone taking the Painting Challenge. Learn more here.
AuthorMalcolm Dewey: Artist. Country: South Africa Archives
January 2025